
We are proud of the people that choose to work here. We are proud of the results we achieve. And we owe our continued growth and success to the passion, competencies and dedication of the people at Pharmacosmos. Given their skills and talents, our people are our most important and valuable asset.

Our organisation is flat, trusting and team-oriented. We focus on having effective routes of communication, broad responsibilities and a no-nonsense approach to decision-making. We believe in and foster creativity in our people by making room for new ideas and alternative solutions.

We thrive on professionalism and quality as well as determination and dedication. We stand by what we say and do – internally and externally – and we seek to communicate clearly and to-the-point. And we rely on each and every one working at Pharmacosmos to play his or her important part in shaping our future.

We are more than 500 people in Denmark, US, UK, Germany, China, Sweden and Norway on a joint quest to change the way iron deficiency anaemia is prevented and treated in humans and animals.

Pharmacosmos is characterised by being an open, welcoming and empowered workplace built on our values.

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